1-3. Transactions by Categories

  1. You can limit your transaction search by using each or combination of these categories: card #, site#, date, and time.

  2. If you would like to pull transactions on a specific date, just fill in the desired date in the Date field and click Enter.  No need to put anything in the End Date.  You can also pull transactions on the specific ranges using the Date field only.  By dropping the last digit(s) in the Date field, it will be read as a wild card.  For example if you put 2008031 in the date field, the system will return transactions from 20080310 to 20080319.  If you want to pull transactions from the whole month, drop the days of the date.  For example 200803, this will return transactions from March 2008.  Unfortunately, it will not work if you just enter the year.

  3. If you would like to pull transactions on a certain date range, you need to fill in the Date field and the End Date field.

  4. Then click on the Enter button.

  5. To clear the entries in the fields and start over you can over write each field or click on the Reset button.
